yes, it was his 1st experience mandi laut, and 1st swimming experience for aidan :)
macam iyaadh's 1st experience into the pool (that time, he was 6 months old), dia sangat excited nak mandi laut.. Aidan, on the other hand, lebih kepada expression ... "tempat ape ni?" *sambil membuat muka pelik* dan lebih excited nak main pasir. hehe.

pose sebelum terjun laut

sebelum mandi laut, aktiviti main pasir dulu *ekceli, lebih kepada aktiviti MAKAN pasir*
but Alhamdulillah, both takde masalah nak masuk laut and they enjoyed it much.
pose di dalam laut bersama para bodyguard

Kelaparan selepas berenang-renang, but refused to eat anything else except for Pringles

owh, dan si adik x menolak rezeki. makan adalah hobi utama
it was all an impromptu decision. Initially was planning to go somewhere nearby, Kemensah Waterfall in Ulu Klang. Tapi call chalet situ semua fully booked. So, batal plan nak mandi manda.
Then the next morning, my brother & wifey ajak picnic kat PD - with his gang, which is no strangers to us.. so, kami pon, OK lah. Join. Lepas Jumaatan, zaaassss to PD and reached there around 3:30 pm.
sempat mandi for like, 1-2 hours je. then settlekan budak2, bergerak pulang while yang lelain stay sampai malam dan berunggun api kat situ.
singgah solat kat masjid teluk kemang. plan awalnya lepas solat terus pulang KL. But since situ ada shower and lumayan bersih, maka kami husband & wife mengambil keputusan utk tumpang mandi skali kat masjid tu. selesai mandi, memandangkan hampir maghrib, maka sambung tunggu sampai selesai maghrib.
Selepas maghrib, perut plak kembali lapar and decided to go to pekan PD to look for kedai ikan bakar. tapi bila pusing2 keliling pekan, takde yg menarik hati and tiba2 ternampak Ice Room dan mengambil keputusan utk makan situ je. hiks.
Lepas dinner, baru la betul2 bergerak meninggalkan PD and we reached home at almost 11pm. and the kids dua-dua flat abis.
all in all, it was FUN! :)
wahaha... swimming pool besar? kekeke..
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