Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kenapa saya pilih .... Beutskin Essence

The main reason why I choose SNE's Beutskin Essence collagen over produk2 collagen yg lain. Tak dinafikan banyak produk2 lain yg sama bagus & berkesan juga, dan lebih murah...

Reason # 1 : Ia berbentuk capsule!
Senang dimakan. Anytime, anywhere. Sgt sesuai untuk saya yg pelupa ni *dan juga pemalas...err :p* Biasanya kalau teringat nak makan, time tu sama ada tgh kelam-kabut nak pegi ofis, atau pon dah siap2 baring atas katil nak tido. so, bila ada collagen yg berbentuk capsul ni, saya tinggal telan je dgn air kosong. 10 saat dah settle. Janji bekas air (plain water) ada sebelah kotak. sambil baring/drive/ape ajelah pon boleh. Daripada saya beli produk2 collagen yg lagi murah (dan sama bagus) tapi saya makan sekejap je & tak konsisten (sbb kene bancuh / mengahzabkan diri dgn rasa2 pelik), takpe la saya melabur lebih sikit utk produk yg confirm, InsyaAllah, saya boleh konsisten makan dgn mudah.

Reason # 2 : Jualan berkonsep MLM!
Sambil makan, sambil promote, sambil jual, dapat la sikit2 side income. InsyaAllah. Pertama kali beli pon mmg takde niat nak promote, apatah lagi nak jual. Sekadar utk pakai sendiri je. Tapi, bila tengok efek dia kat diri sendiri, tetiba rasa excited nak bercerita and share dgn org sekeliling..share je, takde niat nak jual pon. Tapi, ternyata ramai juga yg dah aim produk ni, and berminat nak beli. Nak lagi best, kakak stokis/upline saya pulak jenis rajin & baik hati akan tolong park-kan direct customer dia kat existing downlinenya tanpa dipinta/berkira. Konsentrasi consume untuk diri sendiri, dan tiba2...taraaaa. dapat bonus cheque! haha. Masuk bulan ke 2 ni, saya dah ada 10 downline tak semena2...Alhamdulillah, rejeki namanya tu :D

Berikut adalah informasi tentang produk yg saya consume sekarang ni :)

Beutskin Essence collagen

5 Major Factors
Whitening Factor
Skin Brightening Factor
Anti-Oxidant Factor
Gene Repairing Factor
Metabolic Factor


Wonderful for
Detoxify & beautify skin
Restore skin suppleness & elasticity
Anti-aging, reduce fine lines & cells regeneration
Even skin tone & lighten pigmentation

Beutskin Essence is formed by the unique super ingredient of plant essence, with the used of supercritical CO2 extraction technique, it is able to decompose melanin and yellow pigment of the skin rapidly for whole body whitening and cellular renewal. It promotes metabolism and regulates from inside to achieve healthier body and fairer skin. It also releases active enzymes of cells, effectively inhibit active denaturation and increases vitality of cells so that skin tissues all over body are in normal functional condition.


1) Seabuckthorn Seed Oil
Eradicates excess free radicals in the body, strengthens body’s immune function, regulates and repairs active immune cells of the body, enhances resistance of body against diseases, regulates endocrine system.

2) Pine Nut Oil
Has effect of lowering cholesterol and triglyceride, inhibit vasoconstriction, promotes metabolism of interferon and lymph nodes, lower blood pressure, activates NK cells and promotes breakdown of fat.

3) Beeswax
Repair scar of skin, improves coarse and flabby skin, strengthen elastic fibers of skin, promotes metabolism of melanin for skin whitening.

4) Lycopene
Has Potent anti-oxidative function and scavenging of free radicals, delays aging and promotes cell growth.

5) Grape seed Oil
Prevent and treats cardiovascular diseases, lowers cholesterol serum and blood pressure, resist free radicals and anti-aging.

6) Radix Puerariae Lobata
Has effect of lowering cholesterol and triglyceride, inhibit vasoconstriction, promotes metabolism of interferon and lymph nodes, lowers blood pressure, activates NK cells and promotes breakdown of fat.


03 days
Stabilized livers and kidney functions, frequency of toxin neutralization within the body increases significantly, resistance of blood capillary is increased, hemoglobin increases significantly, imbalanced ‘Qi’ and blood can be improved and vitality restored.

10 days
Improved physical condition, eliminated part of toxin within liver, kidneys and blood, increased anti-oxidative ability of the body, softened blood capillaries, restored and increased elasticity of blood vessel’s wall, simultaneously ovaries function is regulate.

30 days
Internal organs are basically cleared from toxin with supply of essential nutrients, self-repair ability of skin is restored and promoted, microcirculation of skin is regulated effectively.

60 days
Strengthened self-protective function of skin, increased resistance ability of skin, endocrine function is improved and regulated, a change from yellow, dull gloomy skin to bright, radiant skin.

90 days
Large amount of excess lipofuscin and free radicals in the body are eliminated and thus cells become active and skin elasticity is restored to regain beautiful and youthful look.

Long term consumption
Body metabolism is in good circulation, skin become fine, smooth, nourished, delicate, bright, beautiful and flawless.

Price :
Non-member - RM240 (free postage, free membership & free downline)
Member - RM200 (excluding postage)
Postage - RM10 (pos laju)

Contact: / BB Pin : 280DD2A3